Muscle Stimulator Machine

Muscle Stimulator Machine: Electrical Stimulation and Physical Therapy

Injuries are a common occurrence in physically active individuals. If you have sustained an injury and your doctor has recommended electrical stimulation, this article is for you. What is e-stim also popularly known as electrical stimulation, and how does a muscle stimulator machine help your physical therapy?

What is Electrical Stimulation?

E-stim is a physical therapy modality used to achieve different goals in physical therapy. For instance, if you have suffered an injury or illness that limits your mobility or causes pain, your therapist may include electrical stimulation in your rehabilitation program. Some of the common issues where E-Stim will be applied include; post-surgical pain, lower back pain, tendonitis, muscle weakness, poor motor control, and bursitis.

How Does Electrical Stimulation Help Physical Therapy?

Muscle stimulator machine has plenty of applications in physical therapy. For instance, the device is used for the contraction of weak muscles or muscles that are dysfunctional. Additionally, the machine can also be used to give inflammation medication to patients who need it. Lastly, electrical stimulation can also be used to reduce muscle spasms, pain, and heal stubborn wounds.

What should you expect During an E-Stim Session?

If you are wondering what the procedure will feel like, here is an overview. You will be required to expose the area being treated, and your therapist will apply muscle stimulator machine electrodes directly to your skin. You should expect to feel a tingling sensation whose intensity will be gradually increased to a strong but comfortable level. Depending on what the treatment is for, you will be asked to relax your muscles or contract them.

The application of electric stimulation is expected to feel a little uncomfortable, but they should never hurt. If you feel pain during an electrical stimulation session, highlight it to your physical therapist immediately. Your therapist should adjust the intensity of the treatment, or stop using it altogether.

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